Wind turbines in the fog

Monday is Carbon Literacy Action day.

It’s the second Action Day to be held for Carbon Literacy and will catalyse action on climate change through Carbon Literacy training, by getting everyone involved in delivering positive action, to address climate change wherever they are.

Here at Satori Education, we are passionate about improving carbon literacy which is why we launched our unique flagship climate emergency training course for busy school leaders.

Our climate emergency training course, which is the only course of its kind to be accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project, is fully aligned with the new DFE ‘Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy’ and delivered in partnership with EnFrame CIC.

For resources on how to explore Carbon Literacy Action Day visit the Carbon Literacy Project’s website.

If you would like to get in touch, or have any questions, please email our expert team at or telephone us on 0800 622 6283.

